
First day as a tourist in Baguio, Philippines

This is a view from Loida's house looking up. To go to the road, you have to take a short hike.

It is about a 30 minute hike from the small road to get to a main road where you can go into town.

Seeing goats along the street is very common.

This is looking down onto Loida's house and neighborhood. Her house is the rusted roof on the bottom right hand corner.

Look at this closely and you should be able to figure out what tree this is. Bwa ha ha! It is not a tree at all! It is a fern! I have been really impressed with what grows here. So far I have seen huge fern, pine trees, poinsettias, palm trees and bamboo.

I think they still use bottles here quite frequently.

With my Baguio T-Shirt.

First meal I got was Pizza. And it was good! Definitely much better than anything I have had in China. This pizza cost around $7 USD.

Thought this sign was interesting. Not so subtle way of saying "We want to hire someone good at flirting."

These vehicles are called Jeepneys. They are the way probably at least of 60% of the people travel here. Here is a slightly comical but mostly true description of the jeepney experience.

Cool sign. Wish they had this in China.

Went bowling! Didn't do so well though.

I have been eating a ton of street food. It is amazing and super cheap!

They have donuts here that taste like donuts! YES! (bottom left in case you don't know what a donut looks like).

Day 01 here as a tourist was fantastic. I have been constantly amazed at the beauty that surrounds me here.

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