
Food Randomness

This is a vegetable market. Markets like these (indoor or outdoor) are quite common in China. A great place to get vegetables. Usually if you just want to make a meal, you can throw together some random veggies that you need and pay something like $1 (USD). I was blown away by this market because it was by far the cleanest market I have been to in China. Usually markets like this are quite nasty (because they are usually conjoined with the meat market).

This is what happens when you try to store pizza dough in the fridge in a container.
Fairly recently ago I discovered a buffet for 35 RMB (almost $6 US). The buffet is quite good and everyone there is super nice because I am a foreigner. When I went in, they asked me if I wanted pizza and I said sure. So they made a pizza for me and brought it over. The pizza was not that great, but it is the thought that counts eh?

In Taiwan, there were a lot of stores that sold a bunch of random stuff. I would call them dongxi shops (things shops). I have found a few good dongxi markets here in China. The one in this picture is may favorite. This is one "store" of about 15 that just sells candy. Not a good place for me to be.

Recently found a restaurant that sells a pretty killer (not literally) curry chicken. About 35 RMB ($6).

This is the menu... not sure if this is just terrible English, or if they thought another language (Finnish maybe?) would be more fitting.

The same restaurant also sells some pretty mean (again, not literally) steaks. This was 48 RMB  (Almost $8).

I bought pizza (48 RMB $8) because I am still on the hunt for a decent American pizza. Thought Chicken BBQ sounded promising. This definitely was not chicken BBQ. Not bad though.

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