
I am in China! Here is a blog.

Before I left for China, a lot of people mentioned that I should start up a photo blog for all my adventures in China. I thought this was a great idea, so I told people that I would do just that. It should be known however that my intent is for this to me more than just a photo blog. I am hoping for this to be a little more like a public journal. That being said, the purpose of this blog is fourfold:

  1. Keep an account of my adventures in China through photography and writing. In the process, I hope to improve both.

  2. Share the mysteries, oddities and adventures of China with others.

  3. Write personal feelings and observances in general.

  4. Allow my family to know I am not dead (or at least let them THINK I am not dead while I am detained in a Chinese prison and have my blog taken over by the Chinese government).

As I have only been in China for less than a week so far, many of my earlier blog posts will not have any photos (sorry about that).


  1. McKay--

    I am so excited to see your pictures and hear of your adventures! Good luck :) We miss you already!

  2. wow. I am grateful to be reading all this stuff and and sound in my home and I just hope that we will see you again in a year!
